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Proposed Changes to Bylaws

Proposed Resolution to Amend Northwest Arkansas Beekeeper's Association Inc. Bylaws


Article III, Section 1. Meeting Time, is amended to read as follows:

"Regularly scheduled meetings will be held the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM during the months of February through October at a designated place agreed to by the Board of Directors…”


Article IV, Section 1. Board of Directors, is amended by deleting "Web Administrator" from the list of Board of Directors positions and by changing "two (2) members-at-large" to "three (3) members-at-large".


Article IV, Section 3. Officers, is amended by deleting subsection F in its entirety and renaming this section to Article IV, Section 4. The current text of Section 3.F. reads: "F. Web Administrator. The Web Administrator shall develop, maintain, and keep up-to-date the Association's web site ( with information provided by the Board of Directors, and shall perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office or shall be required…”


Explanation of Changes:


  1. This amendment corrects the regular monthly meeting schedule to begin in February rather than March.

  2. This amendment removes the Web Administrator as a designated officer.  Website maintenance is a task that can be handled by another officer or by any other member designated by the President. This simplifies the structure of the board and gives the President more flexibility in delegating tasks. The number of board members will remain unchanged by adding one additional member-at-large.

  3. Finally, this amendment changes the sequence of Article IV sections to ensure that the Members-at-Large are described within the section that establishes the Board of Directors and to correct the sequence numbering of Article IV.  This change is intended to improve the organization and clarity of the bylaws.

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